Wednesday 21 November 2012

Get ready for Rise of the Guardians!!

So well all know the following....Santa Clause, The Sandman, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny and Jack Frost. Well in this year's Rise of the Guardians they are all teamed together to bring you this animated thrill ride this Christmas!

Some of the greatest actors to date voice many of the interesting characters for instance, Hugh Jackman as The Easter Bunny and Alec Baldwin as Santa Clause 'North'. We also get to see Jude Law voice the bad guy Pitch whom represents every child's nightmare, The Bogeyman  Unfortunately The Sandman doesn't have a voice but instead communicates through funny facial expressions, kinda' like Gromit the Dog, which just adds to his immense cuteness!

What to expect

The whole plot focuses around Pitch's plan to cover the whole world in Darkness. It is up to Jack Frost, a simple care free boy and The Guardians (Santa, Tooth Fairy etc..) to stop him. The Guardian's kidnap Jack Frost, whom has forever been on the naughty list, in an attempt to get him on their side. I think it is safe to say he is a little reluctant at first.

This film is full of comedy, witty tag lines, feel good moments and a bit of upbeat action from The Guardians. It will get you super duper excited for Christmas and will make you want to crawl into a dressing gown in front of an open fire. It is definitely a family film!

So be prepared because Rise of the Guardians is released in the UK onth 25th November....SO SOOOONNN!!!

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