Wednesday 21 August 2013

We're the Millers - Coming soon!

I've seen the trailer for this film so many times, and every single time I come very close to peeing my pants laughing. Like literally on the edge of my seat, legs tightly crossed and the boyfriend shaking his head in embarrassment as I cackle my way through the trailer. What can I say? It looks HILARIOUS!

I hope your ready for The Millers..

What to expect:

We're the Millers brings together some of Hollywood's most well known actors. Jason Sudeikis who is best known for his roles in Hall Pass and Horrible Bosses, plays a drug dealing protagonist who forms a fake family made up of a stripper, Jennifer Aniston, ofcourse best known for playing the character 'Rachel' in the incredible TV series Friends. An 18 year old 'virgin' played by Will Poulter and an outcast rebel, Emma Roberts.

The forming of his new loving family is all part of a plan to smuggle 'a smidge' of marijuana into the country. Of course one man in a camper van trying to cross the border would instantly cause suspicion ...therefore meet the Millers. I wont spoil it for you guys but as you can expect everything doesn't quite go according to plan.

The film is said to be a thrill ride of jokes and hilarious scenes based around gender stereotypes and crude sexual content. Of course we get to whitness a raunchy strip tease from Aniston and a rendition of Waterfalls by Poulter ...I personally found the trailer to be hilarious however part of me has a sneaky suspicion that they used up all the good bits for the trailer.

Anyway we shall see, you can check out the official trailer here and expect me take on it very soon :-)

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Get ready for Rise of the Guardians!!

So well all know the following....Santa Clause, The Sandman, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny and Jack Frost. Well in this year's Rise of the Guardians they are all teamed together to bring you this animated thrill ride this Christmas!

Some of the greatest actors to date voice many of the interesting characters for instance, Hugh Jackman as The Easter Bunny and Alec Baldwin as Santa Clause 'North'. We also get to see Jude Law voice the bad guy Pitch whom represents every child's nightmare, The Bogeyman  Unfortunately The Sandman doesn't have a voice but instead communicates through funny facial expressions, kinda' like Gromit the Dog, which just adds to his immense cuteness!

What to expect

The whole plot focuses around Pitch's plan to cover the whole world in Darkness. It is up to Jack Frost, a simple care free boy and The Guardians (Santa, Tooth Fairy etc..) to stop him. The Guardian's kidnap Jack Frost, whom has forever been on the naughty list, in an attempt to get him on their side. I think it is safe to say he is a little reluctant at first.

This film is full of comedy, witty tag lines, feel good moments and a bit of upbeat action from The Guardians. It will get you super duper excited for Christmas and will make you want to crawl into a dressing gown in front of an open fire. It is definitely a family film!

So be prepared because Rise of the Guardians is released in the UK onth 25th November....SO SOOOONNN!!!

The Sky is Falllllling!! MMMM..Daniel Craig !!

Everyone knows that Daniel Craig's performance in Casino Royale (2003) was incredible, and then Quantum of Solace (2007) was a massive let down. Well I can promise you that Skyfall brings Craig fighting back in an epic action filled Bond film this Autumn. Skyfall (12A) has everything we love about Bond films: Overly long introduction followed by the Barrel Gun icon, Then the Assignment, The Money penny flirt etc .

Why is it awesome?

Skyfall is so amazing because it is classic Bond film just with a bit of a makeover. For instance we still witness the same Q-branch just with less gadgets and a younger most sophisticated Q. Bond is still Sleeping with the enemy however Severine, played by the ever so gorgeous Berenice Marlohe takes an unexpected turn for the worst. Finally of course we have the major villain Silva, played by the not so well known but incredible Javier Bardem. Who delivers an on the edge of your seat experience throughout the whole film.

The film starts with Bond and Money Penny on a mission to retrieve a hard drive which just so happens to contain every field agent undercover and their true identities....who would be so stupid enough to even make that? We then see Bond fighting the Minor villain in a long 20 minute fight scene involving trains, motorcycles and CAT Diggers. The twist happens when Money Penney accidently shoots Bond  due to an order from M , and we are then led to believe that Bond is dead. Of course he survives, however he comes back not at his best.

You start to feel that there is no hope left at the begginning of the film as we are faced with a new potenial 'M' as Mallory played by seeks out to force the current M,Judi Dench to early retirement. Alongside this Bond comes back from a Meditterainian break involving Ladies and scorpian drinking games, in a total mess. He is not announced fit for action and is introduced to a new Q half his age to which he sniggers 'you still have spots'. Regardless of the no hope atmosphere the film soon picks up as Bond is sent on his first mission to Shang Hai inwhich we finally see him 'kick ass' against 3 huge Chinese body gaurds and a hitman whom he previously fought on the rooftop of a train. The next scene we are introduced to the enemy 'Bond girl' who will actually take your breath away, the sexiest bond girl ever by far.

So the bad guy, Bardem, was actually amazing. Ive never seen him in anything else but he really impressed me with his ability to creep the hell out of me one minute and then make me laugh so hard at his attempt to come onto bond the next. There are some scene though where I cant help but think that he resembles Heath Ledger's the Joker in the Dark Knight, Especially nearer the end of the film where Bardems's hair is all greasy and scraggly as he staggers towards the camera, reminded me of the second last scene in Batman where the Joker is staggering towards Batman...just a thought. Of course the amazing Dame Judi Dench is in Skyfall playing her character M to a tee. One of my favourite parts of the film is when Bond's old housekeeper mistakes her name for Emma and callsher it for the rest of the film, its so darn cute. Also big spoiler we get to hear M's real name (I won't tell you it) but Silva calls her it in his grovelling revenge speech.

Daniel Craig brings us the flawless thrill ride we have been waiting for. He just gets fitter and fitter the older he gets, unfortunately there are no tight shorts and sea scenes in this film, however we do get to see him in a fitted suit throughout most of the film !

However the amount of product placement throughout this film is flipping ridiculous! The third time I saw this film with my half blind clumsy colleuge, I was literally telling which products to expcect to see next...Heinikein....Range Rover....Omega..This film has it all.

So if you were dissapointed by Quantom of Solace then this is the film for you!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Taken all the way with Taken 2!!

Liam Neeson is back ! Back with his two sexy ladies! Maggie Grace playing Brian's daughter Kim and Famke Janssen playing his wife Lenore, and they are both looking as beautiful as ever.

There has been many high hopes for this Autumn's release of Taken 2 (12A) after Taken had us on the edge of our seats the whole way through while we rode on the roller-coaster of emotion! It had everything from gruesome torture scenes, heart warming father-daughter bonding and Liam Neeson pretty much kicking ass the whole way through. Well director Olivier Megaton has done it again bringing us an exciting thrill ride throughout the whole film.

How is it different?

The plot was inevitable, mainly from the film title 'taken', someone had to be kidnapped in some form just like the first film. However the tables have turned this time, without giving much of the film away, its all down to Kim to help save her mum and dad. The main bulk of the film is based on Neeson's former victim's fathers and families seeking  revenge as they kidnap Brian and Lorane in the most stereotypical bag over head fashion. Around 40 minutes into the film it really starts to heat up as we get to witness Neeson work his way through about twenty men in a row through a mixture of bullets, mixed martial arts and cardboard box throwing.

What I really loved about this film was the bond between Brian and Kim even though it was borderline cheesy at some points. For instance at the beginning of the film Brian finds out Kim has a new boyfriend and the reaction that follows is definitely something I could see my own dad doing.  Furthermore throughout the film there are many references including an exciting car chase in a bright yellow taxi throughout Turkey, which  show how desperate Brian is for his daughter to pass her driving test awwww! Both these examples are so delightful and heart-warming to watch.

Moreover another likeable feature the film had to give was the frustration we could see within Liam's character. Just like the first film Brian is left to fight his way to his family, in this one it is his wife Lorane that really needs his help and it really made me feel hopeless watching his desperation to save her! I felt many times throughout watching Taken 2 that there was no hope at all. For example there are so many (some might say even too many) times in which you are led to believe that Lorane is dead and Brian  is never going to save her. However like every Scooby Doo episode the bad guy always loses and hope is eventually restored!

So why was Taken so much better than the sequel?

Alarm bells were ringing as soon as the 12A certificate appeared before me I could have sworn that the first one was a 15.....which indeed it was. Ok so I'm going to be honest what really really gets on my nerves in actions films is when you can't actually see any action! The majority of the fighting scenes were all distorted, either that or Megaton hired a really bad camera man. Now I don't mean that the screen was fuzzy or blurred, I honestly mean that while Liam Neeson was kicking ass the camera was all over the place, I spent most of my time  looking up at sky shots. For whatever reason the producers chose to use this filming technique it really didn't work.

Secondly...a 12A!! I really can't get over this. I needed to see blood and hear dirty after the watershed words! instead I witnessed necks being slit clean and a rather nicely put revenge speech! Normally I find that no swear words is quite intimidating especially if your going for the more sinister effect. Nevertheless he didn't swear in Taken so who am I to demand it in this one? On the other hand we are left feeling slightly confused and dazed  as in the first Taken Brian was willing to torture his victims through punishing electrocution whereas in the second Taken the worst we probably see is elbows being karate chopped backwards and chain choking. I personally felt like the closest we came to a 15 were the noises Janssen made throughout the film, instead of screeching like any other girl would when being bagged and kidnapped her approach was a more of a sexual in the bedroom kinda' moaning! Definitely a cover your children's ears moment.

I really did enjoy Taken 2 it just needed a bit more umph .. you know what I mean? It just can't beat the legendary Taken. 6/10


Disney and Pixar have joined forces this year to bring you the most exciting new Disney princess ever!! (excluding Rapunzel of course)  Brave (U) hit the cinema screens this summer starring the likes of Kelly McDonald as rebel Princess Merida and Billy Connolly as one of Scotland's toughest kings as well as a loving dopey father to Merida. I promise you this film will brighten up any bad day as this animated adventure incorporates some of Scotland's most wonderful landscapes alongside its most marvellous accents!

Brave definitely isn't your average Disney Princess film! For starters both of the main characters parents are alive and there is no evil step-mum, talking animals or even a bad guy! In fact this heart warming film includes a big giant brown bear as the'bad guy' and instead of an evil-step mum this film focuses mainly on the true meaning behind mother-daughter relationships. Honestly I cried pretty much the whole way through!

So why are we all so excited?

Well firstly if we take a glimpse at the main character Merida, she is definitely not your stereotypical princess. For instance she has a head full of ginger curly hair, a cheeky grin and carries around a bow and arrow! I was without a doubt a tad bit unsure of what to make of the princess's image at first. However as I started to watch the film I became engrossed in this Princess's personality! Merida is cheeky, funny and extremely stubborn which I personally believes relates a lot more to everyday girls than the like of Cinderlla and Sleepy Beauty did! I couldn't help comparing Merida to Disney's latest princess Rapunzel. Although they both have a completely different image, they both want to escape the hectic routine of everyday life and explore the world, simply trying to discover who they are. Disney have brought to the table a new character in which young girls will definitely aspire to be like as she brings excitement and freedom into the film.

Moreover Brave has many other awesome characters such as Fergus, Merida's father, Elinor, Merida's mother voiced by Emma Thompson and the witch voiced by Julie Walters. All theses characters play huge roles in the storyline which is as follows. Merida has grown up her whole life with routine, being prepared by her overly organised and controlling mother Elinor...Sounds almost like my mum! Once her mother organises a competition for all the kingdom's  Lords and their sons to compete in which the prize is Merida, Merida of course Rebels and runs off to the forest. In other words Princess Merida throws a strop. There she is led to the home of a witch whom at first seems harmless and friendly. However the witch gives Merida a spell in which to change her mother, of course Merida accepts as she is in a moment of fury and anger. I wont spoil to much of the story however Elinor's change is not what Merida had in mind and therefore the rest of the story is about how Merida must fight to get her mother back and their relationship is restored.

I love this film so much because Director Mark Andrews  also known for The Incredibles and Ratatouille, knows exactly how to pull on your heart strings. For example there are scenes which involve a young princess running away from home, riding on a horse in distress after a fight with her mother. Now as a young lady myself I have obviously experienced the emotional pubescent age where I would fight with my mother so I could relate to this scene quite well. Also there are some scenes where you are sat on the edge of your seat as Merida has to fight against bear in the middle of a dark and eery forest amongst the ruins of an old castle! You simply have no idea what is around the corner when watching this film which is what I loved about it!

However when watching Brave I couldn't help but have a few concerns. For instance I'm not to sure how this film is directed at children. I know that sounds silly a kids film not for kids, but in all honesty when watching it there are quite a few dark scenes, full of shadows and eery music. Also the message that Disney and Pixar try to get across about Mother-Daughter relationships is sweet and heart-warming however they way they do it, ie through the form of forced marriage is slightly too grown up and formal for my liking. I know my sister Scarlett (6) absolutely loved this film she was especially enthusiastic towards Merida's younger triplets brothers who are the comedy throughout the film, causing mischiefs and turning into bears. On the other hand I know she was scared and found herself hiding in the cinema chairs at some of the more darker scenes such as when Merida finds herself lost in the Forest.

All in all I couldn't help but feel like the film was a bit bland almost like Crackers without Cheese, there was definitely something missing throughout this film, but it was Disney and Pixar's first film together so we can give them a little bit of leeway  I definitely recommend this as a family film, watch it with your children the first time and definitely bring popcorn. 5/10

Thursday 13 September 2012

The Possession!

The Possession (15) is this summer's supernatural horror film to have really been noticed. Like The Devil Inside it is based on a true story and yet somehow The Possession is more believable and bearable to watch.

In all honesty I really wasn't looking forward to this film, I've had to many bad experiences with horror films in the cinema , films such as The Women in Black....believe it or not. However I absolutely loved this film.....LOVED IT! Director Ole Bornedal had thrown everything you need to make a great horror film together, such as speedy sudden transitions between scenes, the creepy music that plays just before something jumps out and of course the young vulnerable child that gets under your skin so badly you will definitely see her in your nightmares!

Natasha Calis plays Em, a young girl who falls in love with a wooden black box that just so happens to hold an evil Jewish demon inside..that of course wants to take Em's soul for itself. One of the reasons this film is so likeable is because of Calis's amazing acting throughout. For example in one scene she demonstrates an almost bipolar scenario, changing from nice to evil in split second till finally making out that she is being beaten up right in front of her baffled father. Calis definitely had me on the edge of my seat through the whole film as she manages to create a creepy atmosphere within the cinema, you almost feel as if she is right behind you!

Moreover The Possession is a hit because it gets your heart racing during every scene! For instance you don't actually get to see the demon that has apparently possessed Em until the very end and therefore you spent the whole time questioning whether there really is a demon or if Em is just barking mad. Strange things of course start to happen within the family home such as an invasion of fluttery insects, a dramatic change in Em's behaviour and the most creepiest scene which involves Calis acting in a animal state chewing on a raw slice of steak whilst talking in a deep undertone and throwing glass bottles at her mother!

On the other hand my only downfall with the whole film came right at then end. I was on the edge of my seat, heart pounding and my scarf ready to throw in front of my face...and then Boom! an awful CGI 'demon' appears...In all honesty the whole film was amazing because we never actually got to see the demon and therefore when I eventually saw something which looked like Gollum and Grima Wormtounge had a baby appeared, I was a little bit disappointed and suddenly the whole film didn't seem scary.

However all of that aside the film has been very popularised, mainly because Sam Raimi assisted the production of the fim. Raimi who is famous for films such a Drag Me To Hell and The Evil Dead. All in all I don't normally recommend horror films but this one is a must see! I rate it 7/10.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Iron Man 3 ! ....Hello!

Super duper excited for next year's Iron Man 3! Tony Stark returns to the big screens to finally create an Iron Man trilogy, and my god we are excited!

The second Iron man created a whopping $623.9 million through box office... compared to the likes of Thor and Captain America which only managed to make $449.3 million and $368.6 million! So I think its safe to say Iron Man wins the popularity vote! After the Avengers we witnessed Robert Downey Jr flaunting his Iron suit and kicking major ass! As a result we are now super super excited for the third Iron Man!

What to expect?

There has been no plot released yet, however in a interview with Mr Downey he said 'While I'm Physically able I'd like to leave it all on the field and I'd like there to be ten moments where people wonder how I was actually stupid enough to do that stunt. Most of all me.' Therefore we can expect extreme action scenes with some of the most incredible and outrageous stunts done yet, most of which Robert does himself without a stunt double. Looks like he is giving Tom cruise a run for his money!

Moreover there has been rumours that Tony Stark comes face to face with a new enemy known as The Mandarin while in China. The Mandarin is one of Marvel Comic's most intelligent super-villains and known as Iron Man's arch enemy. He inherited his father's wealth as a child and used it to train himself in martial arts and some of the most complex science, however after being evicted by the Chinese government he is out to seek his revenge.  These rumours were quickly settled as soon as the producers cast Ben Kingsley. Who else better to play a villain, whom through science has created some of the most outstanding technology
to aid him on his mission to world domination? Oh yeah...Ben Kingsley..

Finally Iron Man 3 is expected to show Tony Stark at his weakest. Mandarin has vowed to teach Tony Stark a lesson (as witnessed in the footage shown at Comic Con 2012) Like Bruce Wayne in the new Batman, Tony will be stripped from all technology and weaponry with no help from the likes of Nick Fury or Black Widow. Instead (as we all would have expected), Stark has to use his brain to save himself! ...oooo exciting! Be prepared to be on the edge of your seats people, as Iron Man 3 will be released in 2013!