However it seems that Total Recall has turned into a total mess.
So here is the low down on what to expect from this film. For all you ladies out there, you are faced with hunk-a-chunk of burning love, Colin Farell, whom throughout the film continuously flex's his (Humongous) muscles, runs a marathon without breaking a sweat and turns away his gorgeous wife Lori played by Kate Beckinsale. What's not to love about that? I think its safe to say we all have a little crush ..or Man crush for you gents out there. On the other hand you gentleman are given Kate Beckinsale playing 'Doug's Wife, Lori' and Jessica Biel playing 'Melina', in the palm of your hands. There is double the amount of Ass to be seen in this film than Scarlett Johansonn showed in the whole of the Avengers. Alongside this you witness an up close fight scene halfway through the film between these two ladies, involving full on face punches, hair pulling and the perfect tennis player sound effects to suit it.
However many of film lovers can't help but compare Mr Farrell to the outrageously awesome Mr Schwarzenegger...who played the same character 'Doug' in the original 1990 Total Recall. Most of us can't quite get our heads around the fact that someone has even attempted to follow the footsteps of the almighty Arnold. Nevertheless Colin has dived head first into the role of portraying 'Doug', a bored factory worker who manages to turn himself into a mixture between 'Jason Bourne' from The Bourne Identity and 'Dory' from Finding Nemo. Granted he puts his own spin on the character yet in the back of our
minds...Arnold is just so God damn cool in everything he does!!
So what is it that Total Recall is missing?
It is jam packed to the brim with all you action film needs such as, Sexy ladies, Chase scenes, Hit and run car scenes, betrayal - from a best friend and a wife, Girl on Girl (that is referring to fighting and not what you initially thought) and Topless main character (for at least the entire introduction of the movie). Alongside these top action movie essentials we get to see some crazy futurist technology for example, mobile phones inside our hands, illuminous tattoos, hovercraft space cars and a lady with three boobs....I know that is not classed as technology, but its classed as crazy.
Despite all the correct things they did put into the film making they also missed out some of these essentials: Blood....we don't want bucket loads but a paper cut amount would have nice. Sex...okay so maybe not full on porn movie sex but we would have like to have seen more than one measly kiss throughout the film!
Along with these there is to much comparison to other films. I'm not gonna' lie the producers timing wasn't exactly the best...I mean you must be a bit crazy to try and follow after films such as 'The Dark Knight Rises', The Avengers' and 'Spiderman'. Granted Total Recall is not a comic book based film but unfortunately it is following after some recent damn good comic based films.
The big comparison of course is to the original 1990 'Total Recall '. As I've already said many of us feel like the casting may have been slightly askew. Don't get me Wrong all the actors in the 2012 hit are fantastic, its just Colin Farrell made to follow Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kate Beckinsale to follow Sharon Stone....There is just something not right about either of them.
Regardless of the all the mixed reviews, the bad and the good, you should totally give Total Recall a watch...ahh see what I did there. I personally really enjoyed it and have given it a 6/10.
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